Suburban Soiree

Crazy for Christmas

Crazy for Christmas Challenge: September

Christmas, Crazy for ChristmasAmy WileyComment

OK, my Christmas-loving friends… it’s time to get down to business! We have three more Crazy for Christmas Challenge days left, so we are going to be crossing things off the list left and right. In other words… we are going to be so productive and feel AWESOME about our progress! Let’s jump into this month’s tasks.

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Choose Your Advent Devotionals

Now is a great time to decide what kind of devotional you would like to go through for the advent season. Set aside a new book or dream up what you will do as a family. I would caution to keep things simple, as the December schedule is so busy… BUT carving out time to ponder the true reason for the season is so important. I will be going through this book for the first time this year and I’m really looking forward to it. As a family, we’ve really enjoyed this book or this book either in the mornings or around the dinner table. There are many beautiful books out there to guide you and your family through the Christmas season.

Plan Your Movie Nights


I love Christmas movies so much! Now is a great time to pick your top four or five must-see holiday films. Start scheming about treats, dinners and themes. Your December schedule is probably still up in the air, but starting to plan what you want to do will save time later. Then you can plug the movie nights into your calendar once it takes shape. Even though many Friday nights are booked up with parties or other activities, the beauty of Christmas break is the opportunity for movies on weeknights! Join the Crazy for Christmas Challenge email list to get the handy printable. Be sure to follow my Christmas Pinterest board for lots of inspiration as the season approaches.

Declutter Toys

If you have kids in your home, now is the perfect time to start decluttering that ever-growing pile of toys. Start donating items that are no longer needed to make room for the new arrivals Christmas will bring. Out with the old, because you know the new is coming!

Keep Buying Gifts

Check some more gifts off your list by shopping a little today. Anything you buy now saves you time and money later! This is one of my favorite go-to gifts.

I’m loving hearing about everyone’s gift closets filling up and plans being made. Our Facebook group is the perfect place to brag on your progress! Have a merry Wednesday!

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Crazy for Christmas Challenge: August

Crazy for Christmas, ChristmasAmy WileyComment

We are days away from Pumpkin Spice Lattes and it’s just four months until Christmas! If you are new around here, the 25th of the month is when we take a little time to prepare for the most wonderful time of the year. By doing a little each month, we are preparing ourselves for the best and most relaxing holiday season yet. Put on your favorite Christmas album and let’s get to work…

Choose or Schedule Your Christmas Card Photo

December is my favorite time to head to the mailbox. I absolutely love sending and receiving Christmas cards. Don’t you? Today we are going to figure out a photo for the cards we will send. If you have a great photo from this year’s vacation, go ahead and earmark that one for your card. Maybe you took several cute shots of your kids on the beach this summer. Go through and choose a favorite. If you still need to take a photo, reach out to your favorite photographer today or schedule a day to take it yourself. Having that photo (or photos) planned is a huge step!


This month’s printable is a simple checklist to keep you on track in the coming months so that you can get those cards out with ease. Join our Crazy for Christmas Challenge email list to get all the printables.

Update Your Address List

If you have been following the challenge all year, then you did this in January. Either way, those address lists have a way of getting out of date quickly as friends move. Go through your address list of Christmas card recipients today and make sure it’s up to date. It’s a great time to reach out and ask for addresses you don’t have, avoiding the rush of the season later.

Go Shopping

How is your gift stash looking? Mine is pretty impressive if I do say so myself! Check a few more off your list today and pat yourself on the back for being such a good little elf. Here’s a gift guide of a few ideas to get you started. This list includes my favorite robe, the perfect mug for just about anyone, and a few things from my kids’ lists.

Here are the previous month’s challenges. You can go back and catch up, or just jump in today.








Merry planning and shopping, friends!

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Crazy for Christmas Challenge: July

Crazy for Christmas, ChristmasAmy WileyComment

It’s Christmas in July! I’m coming to you today from my beach chair, but know that I’ll be online ordering a few gifts as I listen to the waves. July 25th has become a bit of a holiday in itself and I think that’s so stinkin’ fun. Let’s get started with today’s challenge!

Start Wish Lists

If you haven’t already, you need to utilize wish lists with a few retailers. My favorites are Amazon and Nordstrom. This is a great way to keep a running list of gift ideas for family members, for your kids, and for yourself! I don’t know about you, but I not only do the Christmas shopping for my household, I also supply gift ideas for my kids to extended family. Keeping a list helps you remember those items your kid pointed out one day at the store. You can also watch for them to go on sale. If you haven’t already, start some wish lists!

Make Travel Arrangements


Today is the day… first decide if you will travel or stay home this Christmas season. If family beckons you, today is a great time to make arrangements for your trip. If you’ll fly to your destination, go ahead and book your air travel. Set up a hotel or confirm with your cousin or mother that you’ll be staying with them. In short, make your travel plans! This will ease planning down the road. Plus, half of the fun of travel is looking forward to it… even if it’s seeing your crazy family at Christmas! This month’s printable is in honor of spending the holidays with those you love. Print it as an 8x10 photo and pop it in a frame so it’s ready to go in December. Click here to get this free printable.

A Little Shopping

As always, chip away at your gift list today. Stow away a few gifts in your ever-growing stash and go ahead and congratulate yourself on being so on top of things!

That’s all for today… Merry Christmas in July, everyone!

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