Suburban Soiree

Movie Night: Royal Wedding

Movie NightAmy WileyComment

Do you have royal wedding fever?  Here's a perfect movie night for this most regal of weekends!


In this 1951 film Fred Astaire and Jane Powell play a dancing duo who end up in London at the time of Princess Elizabeth's wedding.  Our whole family was just delighted by this movie.  

It's been years since I had a reason to drag out any of my wedding-themed decor so I was thrilled to see it again!


Did you know you can buy rose petals from your grocer's floral department?  This was an inexpensive, easy way to make a big impact on our table.  You instantly think of a crowd of well wishers showering the bride and groom with petals as they dash off to their honeymoon.


Crown dinner plates paired with wedding dessert plates were the perfect combo for this one.


Drink charms added an extra touch.


This vintage cake topper was a wedding gift of ours.  I loved using it as part of the centerpiece.


I picked up dinner from a local specialty market which made things both simple and elegant.  These little strawberry cakes were a delicious end to our meal.


This movie offers amazing dancing (Fred Astaire dances on the walls and ceiling!) and plenty of comedy as well.  As with many classic movies, the clothes are divine. 


This movie is available on Amazon Prime Video.  Best wishes to you for a royally romantic weekend!

Bubbles Bar for Teacher Appreciation Week

Teacher AppreciationAmy WileyComment

I love my kids' teachers and appreciate them so much.  As president of our parent association at school I get to be a part of doing fun things to spoil those special people and I love it.  I have to give credit to my dear friend in Dallas who shared this idea with me.  She's a teacher as well. I always love hitting up teacher friends for ideas on what they REALLY enjoy.  This one is a big hit... the Bubbles Bar!


Think of it as a make-your-own Sonic drink station.  I started with a cooler full of Sonic ice.  You can buy it in the drive-thru and it's such a treat.  Find some cute cups and get a selection of two-liter bottles of soft drinks of all kids.  We also offered Pellegrino.  The sparkling water was really popular.


After we poured their drink of choice, the teachers could add limes, cherries or lemons.


Festive straws and fun napkins really make it feel like a treat.


We offered vanilla, lime and cherry syrups as well.  I get the syrups and the pumps at World Market.


We had this available during the recess and lunch periods and really enjoyed getting to chat with our sweet teachers and staff and treat them to a little pick-me-up in the middle of the day.


A student walked by and pointed out to me that "treat yo self" is not correct grammar.  I'm telling you, our school is top-notch!  Ha!


It's always fun to treat those who do so much... with a cherry on top!