Suburban Soiree

Patriotic Parfaits

4th of JulyAmy WileyComment

My kids treat me like a rock star any time I make Jell-O so I couldn't resist coming up with a little red, white and blue treat.


This recipe is so simple, but requires a little patience.  It's best to make throughout the day so that it's ready by evening.  It makes a perfect little dessert for a summer night.

You need red jello, blue jello, and a packet of unflavored gelatin.


Mix up the blue jello according to the package's directions.  I find that mixing Jell-O in a quart-sized measuring cup makes it easy to measure and pour.  


Pour the jello into cups or jars, filling them about 1/3 of the way full.  I used mini mason jars and they worked well.  I did have a little extra blue jello.  Put these in the fridge for a couple of hours to set.  I use a cookie sheet to help me transfer all the jars in and out of the fridge.


For the white layer, put the packet of gelatin into a bowl with 1/3 cup of milk.  Then heat 2/3 cup of milk to a boil, remove from heat, and stir in 1/4 cup of sugar.  Add to the bowl with the gelatin and stir until combined.  Add a thin layer of the milk mixture to each parfait and return to the fridge for a couple more hours.


Mix up the red Jell-o and fill the jars up to just below the tops.


Return the parfaits to the fridge to cool until set.


Whip up some heavy whipping cream with a little powdered sugar to top off your parfaits.


Now for the most festive part... sprinkles!


These refreshing desserts are a great way to celebrate Indepenence Day with a sweet dose of red, white and blue.


Movie Night: Oceans

Movie NightAmy WileyComment

If you're headed to the beach this summer, or if you just wish you were, I have a movie night to get you in the mood.  Our family loves the Disneynature series and Oceans is a great one.

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This is one we did a few summers ago, so forgive the photo quality.  What I love is that it looks elaborate and exciting to kids, but it's really simple and easy to pull off.

I found a plastic "water" tablecloth at a party store and made the shark out of simple posterboard.  Sure, it looks like my shark needs to go on a diet, but it's not about being perfect... it's about your kids screaming with excitement when they see a shark fin poking out of the dining room table!


Look closely and you'll see a fish swimming in the drinks! (Find them here.)


I used this recipe to make "Ocean Water" like you can get at Sonic.  It was delicious!


Lifesavers made for clever napkin rings.


Shrimp tacos were on the menu for dinner.   This is a favorite meal of ours in the summer months.


Extra fish and gummy sharks were on the hook for our movie snack.  

This film is beautiful, interesting for the whole family and dare I say even a little educational.  It will reel you in. SEE WHAT I DID THERE?  Sorry...couldn't resist.

Enjoy some fishy fun with your family on a summer night soon!

Three Patriotic Tablescapes for Summer

4th of JulyAmy WileyComment

Summer has me loving ALL the red, white and blue!  With the 4th of July approaching, I have three all-American tablescapes for your Independence Day.

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Patriotic Porch Party


One of the great joys of a Colorado summer is dinner on the back porch in the evenings.  We tend to linger at the table longer when we are outdoors and it's something we look forward to during the long winter months.


In that spirit, I kept this table casual with paper plates and Coke bottles as part of the centerpiece.  These reversible pillows are so festive.


I just love the fun star plates topped with smaller plates from the Target dollar section.


Cokes in glass bottles taste even better, don't you think?


A Farmhouse 4th

America is farmhouse crazy these days and it's a perfect trend to embrace for the 4th.  These galvanized chargers mix well with my vintage tablecloth.  I have my eye on these too!


I've had these little Pottery Barn star plates forever and they delight me every year.  These guest towels make the perfect napkins to go alongside this place setting.


I adore hydrangeas and just had to have this little sign to nestle up beside them.


Stars and Stripes Forever

Our breakfast nook is bursting with American pride.  A cutting board in the shape of the U-S of A serves as the base for my centerpiece.


Flag plates, flag napkins and gingham chargers complete the look.


Summer is in the air...


As  you can see, we are all set for the 4th of July!
