Suburban Soiree

Movie Night: The Greatest Showman

Movie NightAmy WileyComment

This movie was SUCH  a hit in theaters and we could not wait for it to come out on video so we could watch it and do a movie night.  The Greatest Showman did not disappoint!

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Circus stripes, peanuts and tickets gave our table a circus feel.  


We snacked on the peanuts before dinner and I was so pleased with myself when the movie referenced peanuts several times... ha!


Barnum's Animals Crackers were too perfect.  Each of the kids got a box.


We had fare you find under the big top for dinner:  cheddar brats, chips, pickle spears.... and chopped salad. That isn't really circus food but balances out the rest.


For dessert we had popcorn and mixed in caramel M&M's.  Y'all.  DELICIOUS.


We listened to songs from the movie while we ate.  My daughter has been singing along with the soundtrack ever since.  Seriously... non-stop.


I loved the circus theme and we all really enjoyed the movie.  It's fun, it's a musical, and it's an interesting story... even if it's the Hollywood version.

All the eyes on me in the center of the ring
Just like a circus
— Britney Spears