Suburban Soiree

Movie Night: Maleficent

Halloween, Movie NightAmy WileyComment

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While this isn’t technically a Halloween movie, there’s no denying that Disney villains are a fit for the season.. Maleficent offers just the right amount of mystery and darkness without being too creepy. She’s the Queen of mean… and now, the Queen of Halloween.


I laid the trap for my family with these plates and plenty of pink spiderwebs stretched across the table. These napkins were the perfect touch to complete the spooky, girly scene.


I’ve had the creepy tree candelabra for many years. We ended up eating our movie night dinner by candlelight with Halloween music playing. Those are the kinds of touches that make movie night stand out from a typical family dinner, and that’s how memories are made!


For dessert, I wanted a purple and green creation for the kids. It turns out, purple Jell-O was hard to find! Who knew? I ended up with this kit which had some that was not only purple, but sparkly.


I poured the green Jell-O into two glasses and let it partially set. Then I topped with the sparkly purple Jell-O.


Just before serving, I topped with some orange whipped cream from my professional dispenser and sprinkled on some Halloween sprinkles.


The result was wickedly delicious.


Whether you head to the theater to see Maleficent: Mistress of Evil, or watch the original like we did, it’s sure to get you in the mood for Halloween!

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