Suburban Soiree

Movie Night: Ramona and Beezus

Movie NightAmy WileyComment

When other moms want to start doing a regular family movie night, they often come to me for suggestions. One movie I always recommend is Ramona and Beezus. It’s sweet, it’s funny, and it feels like a “big kid” movie although it’s appropriate for all ages. If your family experiences any sibling (ahem) dynamics, you’ll get a kick out of it. Ramona and Beezus offer a lot to love!

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This movie night table pays tribute to Ramona’s attempt at saving the family finances with a lemonade stand. She uses a crystal punch bowl and the lemonade is quickly full of flies. This turned out a little creepier than I envisioned, but the kids got quite a laugh out of it! It just took a gallon of lemonade and a few plastic flies. (I’m stashing the flies away to make a return at Halloween.)


Gross, right? But a perfect way to set the scene!


I hope my kids remember silly things like this years down the road and smile at all the movie night memories we made. It doesn’t take much to be the fun mom, y’all!

If you haven’t watched Ramona and Beezus, you should. If you have seen it, I hope I’ve inspired you to revisit this fun little movie. Have a great weekend, y’all.

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