Suburban Soiree

Movie Night: Dreamer

Movie NightAmy Wiley

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Just when all seems hopeless, a trusty horse brings a family back together. That’s the delightful story of Dreamer. We always love when a movie is inspired by a true story, and this one did not disappoint!

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As usual, I checked out the movie’s content here before showing it to my family. I didn’t like the amount of language it appeared to have, so we watched it through VidAngel. Are you familiar with this service? You can select what you would like to be “removed” from a movie or show. As parents, we are cautious about what we let enter our household. As much as we love movie night, we don’t want to expose our kids to inappropriate content unnecessarily. With Vidangel, the dialogue simply goes silent when a “bad word” is used… how great is that?!

Back to the movie… Dreamer is thrilling and sweet. Dakota Fanning stars as the lead character and absolutely shines. To set the scene on this summer night, I took a stuffed horse from my kids’ menagerie of animals and added it to our outdoor table. A letter board with the movie title, some fresh sunflowers from a friend in a mason jar, and a tablecloth finished the look.

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I wish you a weekend full of family fun!

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