Suburban Soiree

Movie Night: Ruby Bridges

Movie NightAmy WileyComment

Tonight’s movie night is inspired by recent events, and tells an important part of American history. I appreciate films that give us opportunities to learn and grow. When a friend posted this list, I learned that Disney made a movie about Ruby Bridges. My kids are familiar with her story, and tell me they learn about her at school every year. She is someone I admire, and this movie deepened my admiration. It’s available to watch on Disney +, and other streaming services.


You need to know this movie shows extreme cruelty and terrible, hateful language (including the worst word of all). Unfortunately these are integral parts of Ruby’s story. Watching as a family led to lots of meaningful, often tear-filled conversation.

The film shows how Ruby and the Bridges family relied heavily on their faith, through the worst of times. They turned to prayer. Ruby looked to Jesus as her example in facing persecution. It’s powerful to see.

The movie also conveys that it’s not enough to simply not participate in hate. Standing idly by is harmful. We need to actively take a stand. We need to step in, help out, and do our part. You see that in this movie.

Lastly, the Disney’s Ruby Bridges shows a few people who experience a change of heart. They see the hate they are harboring and work to change. I am continually reminded that we must constantly remain open to learning, cleansing our hearts, and look to Jesus for guidance.

I assume this movie takes some creative liberties with the story as movies often do. I ordered this book to learn more about Ruby Bridges and her experiences.

As for the list, we have watched a few of the suggested movies in the past:




We look forward to watching the other suggestions as well. Lots of love to all of you!

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